Potcast 233: The Green Women's Guide
From the reproductive years through menopause, the Green Women's Guide is for any woman seeking the most up-to-date science-based information on how to - or not to - incorporate Cannabis into her life. Save 25% on the course using promo code CASUALLYBAKED. (You pay $333 after discount.)
I get a lot of questions about cannabis and women's health. So this week, I'm serving up a casually baked chat on cannabis, menopause, and women’s health that's worth repeating. We discuss science, life experience, the power of stigmas, and changing the perception of aging with Dr. Michelle Sexton and the co-founders of Hello Again. In this discussion from November 2021, Dr. Sexton mentions an educational course she's working on to help us understand the impacts of cannabis on the female body throughout our life cycle. And I'm happy to report she's finally given birth to "The Green Women's Guide."
This Potcast is for the ladies - all the ladies - and the men who love and support us in living our best lives. Get ready for a candid and informative discussion at the intersection of cannabis, menopause, and women’s health. If brain fog, hot flashes, sleep issues, or vaginal dryness are cramping your style and killing your sex drive, this potcast is for you.
If you’re picking up what I’m putting down, please rate and review Casually Baked, the potcast wherever you listen. That one small action helps other canna curious folks find highly responsible discussions like this one with Dr. Sexton, Patty Pappas and Carrie Mapes about the female relationship with cannabis. We discuss science, life experience, the power of stigmas, and changing the perception of aging. We also learn important reasons to incorporate phytocannabinoids like THC and CBD as we age. So go ahead and share this potcast with all the ladies in your text group and settle in. It’s time to get casually baked.
This Potcast Is Covered By MJ Relief
MJ Relief is such a gift in my life, but so is listening to my body. If you want a CBD-infused, herbaceous, Ph.D. formulated (by Dr. Monica Vialpando) topical that really works for muscle and joint relief, MJ Relief has got you covered. And when you pair that with work/life balance, it’s relief on an eleven. Order online at MJ Skin Relief dot com. NOW SAVE 10% USING PROMO CODE: casuallybaked
‘After the Show’ Notes
Here to help explain the pharmacology of cannabinoids is Dr. Michelle Sexton, Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and incoming clinical faculty at the Center for Integrative Medicine at UCSD. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington in the Departments of Pharmacology/Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, studying the endocannabinoid system and its roles in neuro-inflammation and neuro-degeneration. Dr. Sexton’s clinical practice, research, and teaching focus on the endocannabinoid system and potential roles for cannabis across a range of conditions and lifespan.
Also joining us to share their first-hand experiences are Patty Pappas and Carrie Mapes, the co-founders of Hello Again, a cannabis-powered vaginal suppository that combines the healing power of cannabis with soothing botanicals to provide relief from the physical and emotional challenges brought on by menopause.
I learned so much in this potcast. If you did, too, I hope you’ll help educate all of our mothers, grandmothers, and sisters out there. We all know the power of feminine energy - so imagine if we all understand how to naturally regulate our rhythm with nature and feel better equipped and inspired to elevate our tribe and community. When we’re vibing we will elevate the experience - it’s inevitable. So, continue your education and invite your besties to join you on the journey.
Here are a few of the highlights on the nuts and bolts of things.
Endocannabinoids are produced by the brain and central nervous system in response to various states of health and fitness. Their job is to promote a constant state of homeostasis, or balance health.
There are also microscopic receptors on the surface of cells throughout the human body with which cannabinoids interact. These receptors are known appropriately as endocannabinoid receptors. Together, endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid receptors make up the ECS.
Your Endocannabinoid System (ECS) Regulates:
The ECS comprises cannabinoids, some of which the body naturally produces. It contains receptors such as CB1 and CB2, which function in the same way plant-derived cannabinoids do. It also contains enzymes that will create and even break down those cannabinoids within the body. As much as cannabinoids are produced naturally by your body, running low on them is possible. As a result, below-average levels of cannabinoids lead to an imbalance that will interfere with your bodily functions. Research points out this deficiency as a precursor to many diseases.
Our ECS slowly declines with age. Think about old people who complain about poor sleep and loss of appetite!
Phytocannabinoids (from hemp and cannabis) hone body systems by binding to receptors keeping them ”fit” and functioning. So learn the best way to supplement your wellness routine with CBD, THC, CBG, etc. I’m here to help!
ECS and Our Monthly Cycle
It’s Not You. It’s Menopause.
When menopause starts, and often well before, women can stop feeling like themselves. Hormones go haywire and with them your mood; temperature regulation goes out the window; restful sleep becomes a distant memory; and mental clarity vanishes. Women are left to “deal with it.” The founders of Hello Again think that’s unacceptable.
“Our discretely dissolving unique cannabis-infused vaginal suppositories are formulated specifically for daytime and nighttime use so you can say Hello Again to YOU wherever and whenever you choose.” -Patty and Carrie
Our endogenous cannabinoids peak during our monthly cycle, so for cannabis consumers, you might notice a change in your tolerance or the pain-relieving effects. The THC is competing with our endogenous cannabinoid anandamide for the receptor. But as Dr. Sexton shared, the phytocannabinoid THC is a stronger binder than our endocannabinoid, Anandamide (aka the bliss molecule). All that said, just notice what’s happening in your body. You are unique - listen deeply and respond accordingly. Trust your womanly intuition.
THC may affect our estrogen receptors’ up-regulation - related to bone health. CB2 receptors (associated with phytocannabinoid CBD and our endogenous cannabinoid, 2-AG) have been shown important for bone health (BUILDING BONE) by correcting imbalances in the immune system.
The stigma of cannabis affects the choices many women make, as Carrie shared with us. So educate your grandmothers, mothers, and sisters about what you’ve learned at the intersection of cannabis, menopause, and women’s health.
Deep Restorative Sleep = Prime Importance for Cognitive Health
The brain changes with hormonal changes. At night, while sleeping, our brain “cleans house.”
Micro-Dosing aka Alerting
Dr. Sexton explained how the mechanism that causes the alertness and brightness of cognition we feel when consuming low doses of CBD is similar to what caffeine does as an adenosine antagonist. Micro-doses of THC might have similar effects. You just have to experiment. And I love Dr. Sexton’s pepper analogy if you’re nervous about experimenting and building your tolerance for THC.
From the reproductive years through menopause, the Green Women's Guide is for any woman seeking the most up-to-date science-based information on how to - or not to - incorporate Cannabis into her life. Save 25% on the course using promo code CASUALLYBAKED. (You pay $333 after discount.)
If you want to experience cannabis farms rich in history and family tradition, consider a Casually Baked day trip or retreat in the beautiful wine and weed country of Northern California.
As your host and cannabis lifestyle guide, I’ve cultivated a one-of-a-kind farm stay experience and exclusive Emerald Triangle access. Ask about the Premium Humboldt Experience where you'll meet world-class craft cannabis farmers while exploring sustainable agricultural practices. Enjoy the casually baked lifestyle and the magic of sun-grown cannabis farms and vineyards. Learn more and get pricing at casuallybaked.com/travel.
The Sustainability Roll-up is presented by OCB Rolling Papers. In perfect harmony with natural, sustainable practices, it’s always been the OCB signature to provide the highest quality, responsibly sourced, and sustainably crafted rolling papers.
When I unplug from technology and immerse myself in the natural world, I become spellbound by Mother Nature’s ingenuity. And when I pay closer attention to how the natural world works, I become a more conscious consumer.
Which got me thinking about ways to wake up the consumption zombies in our lives through immersive learning. And I’m not talking about virtual reality or video games. I’m talking about actually getting them out in nature in a different way.
Like going on a hike and besides getting a scenic workout, explore nature. Point out all of the diversity - different trees, plants, mushrooms, wildlife - even the rocks and streams.
There’s a trail system in my area that I’ve fallen in love with. When I’m there, I’ve adopted this routine of active curiosity about the habitat and how it works. I also love to experience the sounds of nature as a walking meditation. I visit my favorite green space a couple of times a week and I seriously fall deeper into love and appreciation each time - watching the rains give birth to every shade of green imaginable while the leaves give way to fiery colors dropping onto the path causing the trails to shapeshift. I’m thrilled to see the streams and waterfalls come back to life. All of it makes me feel one with nature.
There are so many ways to have a conversation about sustainability and the importance of our micro-choices. But most of the time, they fall on deaf ears.
Because you’re talking at a happy hour or over dinner with a big group of one-uppers and mansplainers who can tell you what the problem with everything is. But when you’re one-on-one skipping rocks and basking in the beauty of nature, you’ve set the stage to have a meaningful dialogue about anything. And maybe you share how protecting and nurturing your relationship with nature - led you to a few practical lifestyle shifts - like only buying local produce, volunteering for trail upkeep, knowing where your cannabis grows, blah blah blah.
I’m not telling you what to say - I’m just encouraging you to have these meaningful conversations right about now because there’s way too much apathy around vitally important things like the extinction of heritage cannabis farms and the monopolization of our nascent industry. And apathy around sustainable agriculture and local farmers and ranchers struggling to make a living wage.
So right now, think of your favorite way to be one with nature and invite a friend who desperately needs an invitation into our world. And don’t forget to roll something special with OCB rolling papers - THAT’s my favorite conversation starter. :)
For you grown-up joint-rolling novices, I invite you to learn the craft alongside me. Catch the Roll With Me video series live streaming on the Casually Baked YouTube channel and the “Highly Responsible Canna Consumers” FB group with replays on the Weed Tube and IGTV.
Get your Roll With Me starter kit at ocbusa.com/BAKED - you’ll get 4 booklets of OCB and a rolling tray for only $4.99! This bundle is worth 20 bucks - and around for ??? - but the rolling skills and street cred we’ll earn together, my friend, makes this offer priceless.
And because variety is the spice of life, I encourage you to sample the entire line of OCB products and let me know your favorite. Ask for OCB wherever you buy your papers.
A MODERN BEVERAGE, INSPIRED BY TRADITION: Unlike traditional aperitifs, Artet is non-alcoholic and cannabis infused. Each batch is a blend of cannabis and eight botanicals that work in harmony to make Artet delicious on the rocks, intriguing when mixed, and always enjoyed in good company. I’m new to Artet’s canned twists on classic cocktails (pictured above L to R: Rosemary Jane, Tet & Tonic). And I can’t wait to check out the limited-edition batch of Artet’s flagship aperitif, made with the live resin of sun-grown cannabis from Aster Farms. Sweet, piney, potent, and perfect for plant lovers I’m told. :)
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