Hi, y'all! I'm Jo.
Cannabis Business Development Concierge
27-year cannabis consumer and pot lifestyle nerd
25-year sales and marketing veteran
Podcast creator, host, and producer
SCORE Small business mentor
Cannabis lifestyle guide/coach
Freelance travel, lifestyle, and relationship writer
Experiential marketing ninja (professional sports, media, concert tours, lifestyle)
Notable brand experience: PGA Tour, NFL, MLB, Beyoncé, Jack Johnson, CBS Radio, Emmis Communications, XM Satellite Radio, Maker Faire, The Austonian, Kelleher International, The Emerald Cup, Cannabis Club TV
Things that come naturally: Inspired action, building trust, communicating, storytelling, empowering others, curiosity, being Texan
Featuring Johanna
In this episode of The Happy Hustle Podcast, I chat with entrepreneur, podcast host, and Happy Hustler Johanna Nuding!
If you want to get to know Jo, this episode of the Consider Cannabis podcast really pulls the curtain back.
After recording Potcast 56: Casually Baked in Italy, I was inspired to spread cannabis education in Bologna, my home away from home. Thanks to Bologna Press for sharing this important cannabis for wellness information in Italy.
Listen to Storyhinge Podcast where I discuss the art and business of storytelling and about cannabis, of course.
Kumbaya and Cannabis: b.Blunt talks to Johanna Nuding about her how, why, and what’s next.
Teens and cannabis: The laws and ethics of talking to kids about pot
Let's get casually baked.
On Casually Baked: the potcast I'll teach you how to enjoy a functional high and educate and empower you to take control of your own health and well-being in a fun and natural way.
Casually Baked, the potcast, is home base for the canna curious. As the modern cannabis culture evolves, it's interesting to discover how and why people like you are incorporating marijuana into their lives. Explore the highly responsible side of pot as we lighten the stigma and build your canna confidence!
The Reviews Are In!
“It was nice meeting you at PM18! I just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to talk to me about cannabis and my mental health. I have listened to a handful of your podcasts now and can’t wait to hear the rest. I did a lot of thinking after our conversation and made an appointment to talk to a doctor about getting a medical marijuana card at the end of August. In the meantime I followed the links in your show notes and bought the materials to make my own CBD Oil. Thank you for doing what you do and being who you are!”
“I just ordered my first T Shirt from you and it can’t get to me fast enough!
I found your Potcast last year and listened to as many as I could six months before trying to add cannabis back into my life. This was during a year of sobriety - nothing recreational - being on several prescription medications for both bipolar disorder and a long history of pretty terrible alcohol abuse.
To say you’ve been a large part of this positive transition isn’t enough to convey how much you’ve helped, entertained, and enlightened me. I also LOVED your Mary Jane Podcast and have listened to all of those.
Again, I can’t tell you how truly remarkable and inspirational you are. And you’re funny as hell as an extra cherry on top of your whole package. Keep pushing the good word, my friend.”
“As an Internet professional (who is still 1/2 in the canna-closet) in Massachusetts, I’m so happy to have found your podcast and resources. You’ve inspired me to try infusing oil again (after a bad experience) and be more scientific and methodical about understanding my own consumption to help manage my anxiety and depression. I am most of my girlfriends’ go-to for green questions so I look forward to puff-puff passing on more of your information to the folks that are starved for concise, accurate and high-quality information.”
“I am so glad you were able to come on Saturday. It was great to have you. I loved your comments and your insights and knowledge. You are an ace communicator - I was not at all surprised to hear your background after I saw the excellent materials you prepared. Really good for someone who wants to learn about conscious consumption.
I love the work you are doing and hope that you prosper.”
“So I gave my doctor/surgeon a copy of Pineapple magazine a few weeks ago, and he had a chance to discuss it with me yesterday. He mentioned your article “Most Important Meeting of the Day” in particular. He said it really challenged his ideas about cannabis. But in a good way. He has always been holding a somewhat negative view of MJ, but after reading your article, he said he had to re-think his philosophy. He said he had thought that smokers were all potheads and wouldn’t have anything to say other than some stoner babble. But when he read your article he was somewhat startled to read such an articulate and reasonable voice informing him how natural it could all be. He could now see that there was no further reason to denigrate or fear cannabis as harmful. So congrats on that. My doctor is an incredibly intelligent and talented surgeon and for him to mention this to me was a statement to your talents and a verification of your mission meeting your goals.
High fives all around!”
“I’m in my mid-sixties and have not been a cannabis user for 30 years. After the legalization of weed and due to some health issues I’ve recently been experimenting with some of the oils, topicals and using the vape pen. I’ve had a hip replacement and also suffer from arthritis and knee pain. The muscle rub has been amazing and given me some much-needed localized pain relief. At this time in my life, it has become incumbent on me to care for my aging parents (86 and 89-year-olds). As you can imagine my days are stressful and physically demanding. Using the pen has helped me relax and stay calm. Having access to these therapeutic options has been a blessing to me, and Johanna has been invaluable in explaining and educating me about all the different options available that fit my lifestyle. She’s helped me gain the confidence to use cannabis for wellness and experiment without fear.”
“Beautiful, beautiful job on the potcast addressing my concerns. It felt like coming back home to the mysteries and wonder of the plant I fell in love with so many years ago. So many things you all talked about struck me in that spot of Intuition and said “yes!” to my spirit. I have a lot more peace about the process and am looking forward to re-starting this journey when my medical card arrives. Thanks for being a companion on this journey. It is not a good one to travel alone. So I have a lot more courage now. Many thanks!!”
“Jo GETS it.
You want to be Casually Baked without compromising professionalism. You want to get more connected to the world around you- not less. I’m late to the party, in cannabis terms.
Athlete, Professional, Mindful Seeker - just getting started with cannabis as a lifestyle tool to stay present, avoid prescriptions, and live as fully as possible.
Jo and Casually Baked are my guidelines for how to navigate this new terrain and max my performance and enjoyment of every area of my life. And you must tune into Jo’s ‘PotCast.’ She cracks me up!”
“I’m from Michigan; I have been listening to your podcast and I think it’s amazing! Thanks Jo! I will keep listening and learning!”
“Potcast 39 is tremendous. I listened to it twice and shared it with my very conservative, cannabis-skeptic mother. You’re killing it!”
“Jo, thank you so much for your info and prompt responses. You have made learning about DIY oil making and cannabis fun and interesting even for a non-smoker. I do like the Firefly2; I sleep like a baby now!! ”
“Woah! This potcast, holy crap. It’s so good. So much information packed into all of these episodes. Jo does a great job gettin the information out there and making it really relatable, personal, or easy to understand.”
“Absolutely fell in love with Jo! This is my favorite cannabis podcast. It has a great blend of people in the industry. She is a lovely host that really does justice to this magical plant and the people who started it all, the heritage farmers.
The first episode I heard was Skincare + Shopping for CBD. This is a topic that always felt confusing to me. This episode was so informative! My mom makes her own salve and I thought she would benefit from it too. I sent her the episode before it was over!
As someone working in the ancillary side of the cannabis industry, it is vital that I feel a connection to the roots (literally) of the biz. Jo does such a good job of sharing stories from farmers and people working to preserve all the history and love for the plant.
I grew up in Marin County but I’m living in LA and the vibe she brings to the podcast makes me feel at home. I’ve been using cannabis for 12 years and over the last year, I’ve hopped on that microdose train. It has helped me improve aspects of my physical and mental health and properly educate and share a healthy cannabis lifestyle with close friends and family.
Anyways, I could go on forever about how great this podcast and cannabis is but what you need to know is that Jo provides great tips and tons of information that can help people of all experience levels. She really checks all the boxes, so go check her out!”