Modern Cannabis Glossary
Cannabis is a complex plant and living a highly responsible lifestyle is nuanced. We've assembled this dictionary of cannabis-related terms to get you started as you build a foundation of cannabis know-how.
The modern cannabis glossary along with the other resources below are a small part of what's included in our Cannabis Class kit: your personal guide to pot.
Track Your Wellness Journey with Dr. Love
Dr. Richa Love is an accomplished physician whose contributions to the medical community have both innovated and improved the ways in which we approach wellness. Dr. Love has practiced family medicine for over 20 years and successfully treated thousands of patients, utilizing a holistic and compassionate approach to care.
Over the years, Dr. Love began incorporating cannabinoids into her practice and patient treatment plans. In the last three years alone, Dr. Love has seen over 15,000 patients, served as the Chief Medical Officer of a leading cannabis company, and became the Medical Director of a leading cannabis clinic. She's a frequent presenter and is recognized as a leading medical authority on medical cannabis and its uses. Dr. Love continues to spearhead necessary changes in physician education, medical research, and treatment practices.
Casually Baked is a proud affiliate of Dr Love CBD, a unique, physician-created CBD company that thinks about your health holistically with a whole lot more to offer beyond a CBD product line.
Tracking health information is important because it encourages you to be mindful of your habits, behaviors, and conditions. It is all too easy to ignore health concerns when they’re not causing pain. But issues that go untreated can exacerbate existing health conditions, leading to more serious health issues.
Cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG) are natural tools that can work for chronic pain and inflammation without the psychoactivity of THC. But consistency is key. And tracking the data of your experience is like holding up a mirror to your whole-body wellness. When pain increases, you can see exactly where you fell off the wellness wagon.
So don’t feed yourself wild stories and misinformation about why things are happening in your body or in your life experience. You owe it to yourself to get curious and record the data of your experience so you’re empowered to talk to your doctor and improve the quality of your life.
Free Digital Resources from Dr Love CBD
CBD is best used as a component in an overall wellness program, whether that's one designed by experts you trust or Dr. Love.
If you're new to CBD, or you want to take a more thorough approach to your condition, then the Bloom complete programs by Dr Love CBD may be right for you. Each Rest, Relief, and Balance box comes with a two-month supply of CBD + supplements, a detailed program guide, and a tracking journal.
As part of our partnership with Dr Love CBD, and because their mission is to educate and create healthier outcomes, Casually Baked fans can access the mood, sleep, and pain tracking journals free of charge! Use coupon code BAKEDWITHLOVE to get these in-depth digital resources emailed to you for FREE - your discount will be applied during checkout.
Shop Dr Love CBD and save 15% when using promo code: CASUALLYBAKED
Aside from the all-CBD Entourage Capsules, Dr Love CBD products incorporate more than just CBD. Many formulations include additional cannabinoids like CBG or CBN along with supplemental ingredients shown to be beneficial for a wide variety of ailments.
Whether that's the added chamomile in the Rest Capsules, B12 in the Balance Capsules, or curcumin and acai powder in the Relief Capsules, Dr Love CBD has thoughtfully put together products designed to give you the best outcome possible.
Jo's Favorite Cannabis Resources
The Cannabis Class kit is the best place to get started, but these are some of my other favorite resources to keep you going on your canna quest.
I'm consistently trying new cannabis products, experimenting with new strains, exploring the modern cannabis lifestyle, collaborating with other industry experts and doing my homework on the benefits of cannabis and how it's changing people's lives. Do your own homework using this handy Cannify quiz!
I share what I learn with the Casually Baked tribe via a newsletter and blog which you can opt-in to here.
If you prefer to listen, subscribe to Casually Baked, the potcast and let me know what you think.
Kumbaya and cannabis,
CasuallyBaked Q&A
The best way to discover you're not alone is to share your questions or concerns. 100% of the time you'll discover you're part of a like-minded tribe seeking answers.
So, go ahead, and ask! Jo will share what she knows and learns with you and the rest of our community on Casually Baked, the potcast. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.