Potcast 220: Christian Values and Cannabis
I really think you’re going to appreciate today’s conversation regardless if you go to church. Growing up, I was taught never to discuss politics or religion with folks you care about, especially at the dinner table. But as a 45-year-old woman with a lot of life experience, I have to say that I disagree. So I called up today’s guest to meet me at the intersection of cannabis and Christian values.
Craig Gross is the founder of Christian Cannabis and a former pastor known for his work in creating the XXX Church and becoming known as the Porn Pastor. Craig is an author, speaker, and curator of rooms where people can share secrets, build relationships, listen, learn, and create lifelong connections.
Do you want Craig Gross to speak to your church? Connect with him here.
If you’ve ever wanted to talk about cannabis with that friend or family member that thinks your medicine the devil’s lettuce, I hope you’ll share this potcast with them. Craig has spent twenty years examining alternative, secretive, and demonized things through the lens of Christian values with members of the church. Craig shares his experience of discovering cannabis, how it changed his life and his family, and how that affected his relationships with the church, congregation, and his colleagues. We discuss personal experiences with the spirituality of cannabis. And the joy and purpose of being for something rather than pushing against something else. And I bring out my list of unchristian stigmas that need to be squashed.
But before we spark up this conversation, I’d like to acknowledge that religion is polarizing and can cause tempers to flare and walls to go up and communication to shut down. I also acknowledge that there are many different titles given to Source energy, the creator of this cosmic experiment we’re all living in. So when you hear me speak of God, substitute in your deity of choice and let’s keep on rollin’ with the conversation. We gotta get better at having difficult conversations while simultaneously hearing each other. Because when we understand where each other is coming from, my friend - we make room for that cosmic magic where we’re in the flow and love and solutions abound. So smoke ‘em if you got ‘em and let’s open our hearts and minds to the spiritual conduit we call cannabis. It’s time to get casually baked.
If you’re inspired by this chat with Craig, I hope you’ll share the episode and/or rate and review the potcast on iTunes or Apple podcasts. That one small action helps other canna curious folks find this highly responsible cannabis content. 🙏❤️✨
‘After the Show’ Notes
Check out the latest offers from the Casually Baked partner brands!
When you shop with potcast affiliates you save money on things you want which in turn supports the production of this show. And if gas prices and inflation haven’t punched you in the privates, consider becoming a potcast patron for as little as $5 per month. It’s like your putting three-quarters of a tank of gas in my car. And I’ll appreciate every drop. ;)
This giving and receiving with a joyful heart business - it’s the smoke circle of life.
So however you decide to support our highly responsible cannabis movement, thank you for doing your part to puff puff pass it on.
You have the power to make bad days a thing of the past. So do it or don’t, but do! Buy Make It a Great Day here. And listen to my conversation with author Jarrett Robertson on Potcast 216: Little Ideas that Make a Big Difference.
My friends at Slowdirt have advice for you gardeners out there. Don’t waste your time, money, and energy growing bug food! this year, Feed your soil first with Slowdirt.
Slowdirt is a soil amendment that capitalizes on beneficial soil life to create a natural line of defense against those pesky insects treating your garden like a buffet. Slowdirt improves your plants’ health, yields, and nutrient density which translates into healthier food for you and your family. And Cannabis growers, You’ll notice a remarkable increase in rich Resins and Oils. And a longer shelf-life and potency retention of dried flower when stored properly. No matter what you grow, You want this in your soil. Shop online at slowdirt.com. Use promo code CB15 to save 15%.
Explore the Spiritual-Side of Cannabis
As Craig mentioned during our discussion, cannabis might speak to you more than a sermon ever has. Stay curious!
Tell Me What You Think
Thanks to those of you who completed the Casually Baked listener survey. I appreciate your feedback and am using it to shape this season’s potcast interviews and event lineup. Moving forward, I’m slowing down my production schedule and will release new episodes of the potcast bi-weekly.
If you didn’t complete the survey there’s still time. As a thank you, you’ll receive a discount on cannabis lifestyle coaching for you or someone you love.