Potcast 221: Finding Your Perfect Cannabis Match
My relationship with cannabis goes back twenty-six years and I’m still learning new things and honing my experience. And I recently had the thrill of connecting with the person who’s work outlined my path to living a cannabis for wellness lifestyle. So if you’re a fan of this Potcast, you can thank today’s guest for the inspiration.
Michael Backes is best known for writing the book that became my cannabis bible. In Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana, Michael details the medicinal effects of a wide variety of cannabis cultivars and the myriad uses of cannabis as a medicinal tool.
Michael offers a wealth of knowledge and in this potcast we discuss a number of important things that matter to you as a cannabis consumer. Michael explains why sun grown flower is definitively superior to indoor flower. And he shares some brainy reasons why you might want to consume CBD with your THC. We also talk about the relationship between cannabinoids and terpenes. And the side effects of CBD and THC. We discuss dosing, what makes your heart racy, what makes you cough, and whether or not you’re hitting your cannabis too hard. And if you prefer to vape your flower, we discuss utilizing your vaporizer optimally to get all of the medicinal goodness out of your next session. And Michael gives us pro tips for short and long-term cannabis storage. So settle in for this macro-dose of cannabis know-how. It’s time to get casually baked.
If you learned something today to up-level your relationship with cannabis, I hope you’ll share this potcast with your smoke circle. Perhaps you’re inspired to rate and review the potcast on iTunes or Apple podcasts. That one small action helps other canna curious folks find this highly responsible cannabis content. 🙏❤️✨
‘After the Show’ Notes
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From beautiful and functional glass by Session Goods to quality seeds to the CannaDNA test. Shopping potcast affiliates is a win-win because you saving money on the things you want supports the production of this show.
When it comes to creative work, cannabis has been my co-pilot for over twenty years. And I met a few kindred, casually baked creatives from Session Goods - a smart and sophisticated line of cannabis lifestyle products designed for mainstream culture. Elevate your sesh and SAVE 10% with promo code: CASUALLYBAKED
My friends at Slowdirt have advice for you gardeners out there. Don’t waste your time, money, and energy growing bug food! this year, Feed your soil first with Slowdirt.
Slowdirt is a soil amendment that capitalizes on beneficial soil life to create a natural line of defense against those pesky insects treating your garden like a buffet. Slowdirt improves your plants’ health, yields, and nutrient density which translates into healthier food for you and your family. And Cannabis growers, You’ll notice a remarkable increase in rich Resins and Oils. And a longer shelf-life and potency retention of dried flower when stored properly. No matter what you grow, You want this in your soil. Shop online at slowdirt.com. Use promo code CB15 to save 15%.
One thing I know for sure is that showing up for your community is the smoke circle of life.
So, however you decide to support our highly responsible cannabis movement, thanks for doing your part - your own perfect way - to puff puff pass it on.
Explore the Medicinal Side of Cannabis
In Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana, expert Michael Backes offers evidence-based information on using cannabis to treat an array of ailments and conditions. He provides information on how cannabis works with the body's own system, how best to prepare and administer it, and how to modify and control dosage. This newly revised edition is now completely up-to-date with the latest information on the body's endocannabinoid system, which is understood to control emotion, appetite, and memory. Delivery methods including e-cigarette and vape designs are also covered here, along with information on additional varietals and a new system for classification. Cannabis Pharmacy covers more than 50 ailments and conditions that can be alleviated with marijuana. There are currently more than 4.2 million medical cannabis patients in the United States, and there are 33 states plus the District of Columbia where medical cannabis is legal.
The most comprehensive and approachable book available on understanding and using medical marijuana. Revised and updated with the latest information on varietals, delivery, dosing, and treatable conditions, Cannabis Pharmacy is "a well-designed and -illustrated and easy-to-use resource" (Booklist) for those considering medical marijuana as a treatment option.
Find Your Perfect Blend
Most recently, as founder and chief product officer of Perfect, Michael developed live Resin Infused Flower as a solution to delivering you the same effects and a consistent cannabis experience again and again. At Perfect, they simplify the cannabis “buying and trying” experience by intentionally designing unique, premium products that are named to clearly communicate what’s inside.
Sourced from a handful of California growers - including a winner of 13 Emerald Cups - each Perfect blend has been formulated from multiple cultivars of 100% cannabis flower and cannabis oil. The process is informed by over a decade of research on how terpenes and monoterpenes work together to create distinct effects. And the end result is a new type of infused flower product that has a consistently fresh-from-harvest taste and a full entourage effect. Michael explains their process and how it all works during the potcast.
Tell Me What You Think
Thanks to those of you who completed the Casually Baked listener survey. I appreciate your feedback and am using it to shape this season’s potcast interviews and event lineup. Moving forward, I’m slowing down my production schedule and will release new episodes of the potcast bi-weekly.
If you didn’t complete the survey there’s still time. As a thank you, you’ll receive a discount on cannabis lifestyle coaching for you or someone you love.