Potcast 47: Your Body + Cannabis

Is cannabis good for you?!? Learn how your genes influence the way you respond and process foods, herbs, nutrients, and other substances - including cannabis. Unlock the secrets of your DNA for optimum wellness with epigenetics coaching.





  1. the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.

    "epigenetics has transformed the way we think about genomes"

'After the Show' Notes

David Krantz is a Certified Epigenetic Coach specializing in nutritional genomics and the Endocannabinoid System. 

Be sure to check out David's free webinar that goes more in-depth on specific genes that affect your response to cannabis.

To learn more about working with David Krantz, Epigenetic Coach check out his website: www.david-krantz.com 

To purchase an Endocannabinoid Genetic Panel, message David at dkrantz@apeironcenter.com or use the contact form directly on his site. Mention Casually Baked to receive $50 off a single Endocannabinoid Panel ($250 total instead of $300, test included) or get a free Endocannabinoid Panel with a Nutrition, Supplementation, and Detoxification Genetics package. Each panel includes a personalized review session with David.