Potcast 113: Chronic Pain + Cannabis
Chronic pain affects everyone. So if you or someone you love suffers from chronic pain, this potcast is for you. For those of us using plant-based medicine for wellness, pain is the most common symptom that cannabis is used for, and with good reason. We explore the intersection of cannabinoids and chronic pain with Seth Ginsberg, the co-founder of the Global Healthy Living Foundation.
‘After the Show’ Notes
Seth Ginsberg, co-founder of the Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF), a non-profit patient advocacy organization working to improve the quality of life for people with chronic illness.
Connect on Instagram: @creaky_joints
Connect on Twitter: @sethsaidso, @GHLForg, @creakyjoints
About Seth
Seth Ginsburg was diagnosed at age 13 with Spondyloarthropathy, a degenerative form of arthritis. He co-founded CreakyJoints with Louis Tharp at the age of eighteen in 1999, in order to help fellow arthritis sufferers understand the benefits of exercise, diet, a positive mental outlook, and a productive relationship with their doctor. Seth and Lou merged CreakyJoints into Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF) in 2007.
As a patient and patient advocate, Seth wrote an opinion piece in USA Today discussing the confusing regulatory environment and lack of research and clinical trials surrounding medical marijuana and CBD supplements. More and more chronic pain patients are experimenting with the treatments, often with little or no input from their doctor. Seth discusses the results of a recent survey by his group CreakyJoins entitled "Patients' Perceptions and Use of Medical Marijuana."
In 2014, CreakyJoints created a Patient-Powered Research Network called ArthritisPower® in partnership with the University of Alabama at Birmingham. ArthritisPower is part of the interconnected National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet), a collaboration of patient groups, registries, and health systems.
Join ArthritisPower
CreakyJoints has teamed up with rheumatology researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham to launch ArthritisPower, a non-profit, patient-inspired and patient-managed research initiative.
Learn more about the ArthritisPower app. Download on your smartphone and transform your story into powerful clues that will help researchers develop better treatments and, ultimately, a cure.
Patient Governor Group for ArthritisPower, the Patient-Powered Research Network
This innovative, nationwide research network of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis (e.g., psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), and other conditions is led by a Patient Governor Group with input from the wider CreakyJoints community, putting patients at the center of all research conducted with ArthritisPower.
“Patient Governors are the critical connection between research scientists and the CreakyJoints community of people living with arthritis. They tell us what issues are important to study from their perspective. They speak from their own experience to flag potential challenges so we can adjust when preparing to do research.”
– Ben Nowell, PhD, Director, Patient-Centered Research at CreakyJoints
The 50-State Network
Informed by the work with the patient population at CreakyJoints and parent organization Global Healthy Living Foundation, the 50-State Network is a community of advocates dedicated to ensuring that legislation and public policies promote better access to healthcare. We take action through advocacy, education, and outreach. Seth’s 50-State Network engages with its members daily, coordinates weekly, and educates monthly, ensuring that state and federal governments serve their citizens responsibly. Get involved and share your voice!