Potcast 73: Heritage Cannabis Farming
John Casali is a second generation cannabis farmer. Trell Messenger is a third generation cannabis farmer. These men represent the heart and soul of the Humboldt cannabis culture and their road to legalization was life-changing. Listen to their remarkable stories and get inspired to know where your cannabis comes from. And take action for marijuana law reform.
“After the Show” Notes
If you’re free to appreciate the benefits of cannabis consider paying it forward!
Freedom Grow is a Non-Profit Helping People in Prison for Non Violent, Victimless Cannabis Crimes.
Families Against Mandatory Minimums
FAMM seeks to create a more fair and effective justice system that respects our American values of individual accountability and dignity while keeping communities safe. Families are mobilizing for criminal justice reform.
Know Your Cannabis Farmers
John Casali is a second generation cannabis farmer from Southern Humboldt. He served time at Lompoc federal prison camp for growing during prohibition. His same family farm is now legally licensed to grow cannabis and he collaborates with the likes of Willie Nelson. Explore Huckleberry Hill Farms and a few snapshots of Johnny and fellow inmates at the prison camp in his twenties. Connect on social @huckleberryhillfarms
Trell Messenger is a third generation cannabis farmer from Southern Humboldt County. He and Johnny are childhood friends whose families grew up farming and collaborating. Check out these amazing views of Full Sun Farms. Connect on social @fullsunfarms