Posts tagged consciousness
Potcast 185: Pot, Personal Sovereignty and Conscious Consumerism

Nowadays, it seems like everybody’s got either advice or a pitch and sometimes it's hard to discern the difference. This potcast is dedicated to Mr. Wilson, the teacher that demanded I ask questions and seek the truth. And who inspired me to thoughtfully conduct experiments and respectfully debate the issues to find solutions. The Sustainability Roll-Up, sponsored by OCB rolling papers, spotlights conscious consumerism. Find helpful resources in these show notes.

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Potcast 162: Coming Out of the Cannabis Closet

We’re helping a Casually Baked listener confidently step out of the cannabis closet. We all innately want to live free and be our authentic selves but layers of programming from family and community and society can make that feel like a hostile takeover. So I invited my sister and consciousness coach, Crystal Nuding, to join me in inspiring Lori and others like her to practice self-love and authenticity.

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