Potcast 97: Grass Roots
I love sharing ideas for having meaningful dialogue around cannabis culture, education, and legalization. Although I’m often asked to forecast when a specific state will pass legalization and when the federal government will finally be on board. I can only guess at those things but I am absolutely certain that it will happen faster if people stop waiting for change and start creating it. So pack yourself a bowl of flower power because it’s time to get casually baked and make moves for social change.
‘After the Show’ Notes
The energy of excitement creates change. Listen to Potcast 69: The Energy Element featuring my sister and consciousness coach, Crystal Nuding.
Thank you to my soul sister, Crystal Nuding, for joining me on another episode of the potcast. I always learn something new during one of our chats. Like switching from Google search to DuckDuckGo. If you want to keep your searches private and out of data profiles, the government, and other legal requests, you need to use DuckDuckGo.
THE LESSON: This is a perfect example of grass roots education. One person sharing helpful, dynamic information to another person or group in an organic way providing the space for a perspective shift. And potentially a positive behavioral change.
Start talking about politics constructively
Drop the obsession with division
Expand the media you listen to and discuss it
Find innovative ways to educate and connect with your community
Run for local office
Offer what you’re good at to the movement and community
Find local organizations to partner with; There’s power in numbers.
To create any sort of change in your life or community it takes a dedication to baby steps. Small steps. Everyday. These micro decisions create the macro of your life! Every single one of them matters. -Jo
Hello Jo,
I trust this finds you as fabulous as ever.
As a follow-up to our previous conversations on the future of the industry, I thought you may be interested to know that we officially launched a federal campaign yesterday to work towards a comprehensive - and inclusive - regulatory model for cannabis.
The Access + Innovation Project is led by an exceptional board (several you may know) and we are committed to advancing the industry collaboratively- with all industry stakeholders and both sides of the aisle. Happy to answer questions, or- if you would like, the board members would welcome a conversation as well.
Would love to hear the latest/greatest in your world.
Thanks so much, Jo!
Kind regards,
-Tami L. Wahl
Advisor | Government Affairs
Creating change in your community should be F-U-N. My motivation for creating show promo coasters…. I’ve been obsessed with collecting coasters since I was a little girl and I love bellying up to bars talking to strangers. Find fun ways to introduce your ideas to the world - something that feels authentically you. Cheers to creating social change! -Jo
Submit your canna curious questions to be answered on a future episode of Casually Baked, the potcast.
Or share your cannabis-infused sticky situations at LoveMaryJane.net to be answered on the Love, Mary Jane podcast.
And if you're interested in helping the shows grow in your circle, include your mailing address and I'll send you a casually baked community pack - so you can plant the seeds of contemporary cannabis, grass-roots style!