Potcast 133: Hemp Revival
Jack Herer told us hemp could save the planet when he first published “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” in 1985. And I think now is finally hemp’s time to shine but it’s going to take the village. Build your awareness of the history and versatility of hemp and how important of a role it can play in rebuilding the American economy during this proverbial reboot in a way that honors our planet.
‘After the Show’ Notes
“I’m not saying hemp is going to save the world, but it’s the only thing that can.”
-Jack Herer (1939-2010)
In our culture, we tend to believe experts who are speaking in their field. And, I know Jack Herer racked up more than ten thousand hours in his quest to learn the truth about hemp and cannabis and the plant's relationship to us, our government, and the planet.
That said, I think there’s a place for “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” in everyone’s library. It’s a trustworthy encyclopedia and field guide for hemp and cannabis.
As someone who’s logged thousands of hours writing, curating, and organizing content, I have to point out… Every bit of truth you read in “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” was curated by someone who, at the end of all of the research - and after absorbing all of the data - still believed hemp could save the earth. I’d only amend it to say that hemp and mushrooms together can save the planet. But that is a whole other episode.
Knowledge is power and can save the planet and benefit our stubborn human race. Puff puff, pass it on.
Kumbaya and cannabis. -Jo
Dan Here is a son of Jack Herer, and head of the Jack Herer Foundation, and Jack Herer Brands.
Dan is also co-editor of the new edition of the iconic book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes,” by Jack Herer.
Jack Herer® Brands strives to continue Jack Herer’s vision in honor of the global cannabis and hemp movement. Dan Herer continues his father’s legacy as a global advocate of cannabis and its continued acceptance and legalization around the world.
Stay Connected: @jackhererbrands | @theoriginaljackherer | Dan on LinkedIn
UPDATED FOR 2020! In this thoroughly researched, scrupulously annotated and shockingly provocative book you'll learn:
How and why cannabis prohibition began and what that has meant to America.
All the uses of hemp as medicine, food, fuel, fiber, paper and as a plastic replacement.
The straight dope on marijuana smoking and the effects on the human body.
Who profits from the prohibition and criminalization of cannabis.
What you can do to speed up legalization and profit from the coming changes.
Available on Amazon.com. New, first edition ebook, $9.99. Paperback, $34.95
Hemp For Victory was produced in 1942 by the Department of Agriculture. Office of Public Affairs.