Potcast 125: Cannabis Voter Project
Are you looking for meaningful ways to get involved in helping advance the cannabis movement? Right now, the most timely thing you can do to affect change is to get people involved in our democracy. Learn about Headcount - an organization near and dear to my heart - and their Cannabis Voter Project on Potcast 125. Get registered to vote, learn how your representatives are shaping cannabis policy, and how to create a voter registration activation in your community. You’ll find valuable links to get started below.
‘After the Show’ Notes
I was raised to revere democracy. And when I turned 18, voting wasn’t my option. It was my responsibility. If today’s potcast inspired you into action, here are some important links to get you started.
Some members of Congress think cannabis users should be in jail. Others think recreational cannabis should be legalized across America. Look up where your Congressional representatives stand on cannabis legalization, see what states have ballot issues related to cannabis regulations and learn how your VOTE can impact policy.
Jo and Headcount’s Executive Director, Andy Bernstein, at Emerald Cup 2019 in Santa Rosa, CA.
Andy Bernstein helped found HeadCount in 2004 and became its executive director in the spring of 2008. Under his stewardship, HeadCount has registered nearly 500,000 and become a leader in harnessing the power of music to drive social change. Andy was one of the founders of National Voter Registration Day, and conceived the corresponding social media campaign that has involved over 500 musicians and celebrities and generated over one billion social media impressions. He also helped create "Participation Row," an activism village where concert attendees have taken over 100,000 socially-conscious actions while raising nearly $1.5 million for various music-industry charities (including over $500,000 generated from the auction of one guitar signed by members of the Grateful Dead).
Jo on Jack Johnson’s 2008 All at Once tour registering music fans to vote during an election year.