Potcast 38: Talking Terpenes
Terpenes are the unsung heroes of your cannabis experience. Jo shares the basics so you can fine-tune your cannabis selection process and create your own custom entourage effect.
'After the Show' Notes
Check out the charts below including the major cannabinoids and terpenes. Reference which are best for your wellness needs. For a deeper dive, this cheat sheet includes boiling points of the major cannabinoids and terpenes.
I recognize the visual quality of this chart is a little fuzzy. I took a screen shot of it. If you want to see it in all of it's crispness and glory, you can purchase the Cannabis Class Resource Guide here.
Here's the link to the research study on limonene being used to dissolve gallstones. And here's a white paper deep dive on limonene. You can find similar info on all of the terpenes with the help of your buddy Google.