Casually Baked | Highly Responsible

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Potcast 3: Indoor Growing for Newbies

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Raw cannabis is a nutritionally dense and potent medication and a great alternative for patients seeking the medicinal benefits of cannabis without the psychoactive effects the plant is traditionally known for.

The cannabis plant (leaves, stems, and flowers) has the essential health benefits of other leafy green vegetables (fiber, iron, calcium), but also packs a punch of preventative medicinal power. Cannabis is a potent antioxidant mitigating the effects of free radicals in the body. Think anti-inflammatory, slowing the inevitable aging process and onset of menopause(!), delaying the onset and minimizing the effects of diseases associated with growing old like dementia.

WHAT the??!? Who doesn't want that?! I'm not ready to look my age or lose my mind. This is the green goodness my morning smoothies are missing!

Unfortunately, procuring enough leaves and fresh flowers can be challenging if you don't grow your own or have a friendly farmer in your neighborhood.

Being the industrious pot nerd that I am, I enlisted the help of an indoor grow enthusiast who talked me through the ins and outs of DIY growing. We talked garden footprint, step-by-step instructions, budget, shopping list, favorite resources... the works! 

Curious green thumbs, check out "Casually Baked, the potcast" to see if you're ready to grow your own Mary Jane multi-vitamin.

Supporting Materials & Resources from "the potcast"

New & Used Lighting Equipment and Supplies (details in the potcast):

  • Buy Local!

Grow Tent Recommendations:

  • Sun-Huts for beginners (read: less expensive)
  • Gorilla for a more experienced grower

Simple Soil Solutions for the Non-Green Thumb:

  • Fox Farms Ocean Forrest
  • Black Gold Organic
  • Any Organic Fertilizer (OMRI certified)

Growers’ Written Resource:

Growers’ Video Resource:

  • "GrowTube Roundtable" - Find the series on YouTube